Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My (college) Bucket List

OMG! so I said I was going to blog at least once a week and I'm failing! And it's such a small goal.. I dont think I've been trying very hard BUT I'm back!

I've been thinking about all the things I want to accomplish in my life. All the things I'm working on now and all the things that are just a vague idea in the hallows of my mind. I want to work for a newspaper (for money! lol) somewhere other than Tally. (Although I do love the Democrat and I have the greatest editor ever who I think believes in my ability more than me sometimes). I want to work for Cosmo. I want to try my hand at broadcast, PR and advertising. I want to start a Youtube channel, I want to start a magazine. I want to live in NY I want to visit Cali. I want to.... do everything it seems.

Then I decided that the list is so long and convoluted that I needed to break it down into a smaller time frame. So here goes:

(Both Professionally and Personally) (In the next year or year and half.. however long it takes me to get out of J School!)

10. I want to travel more. In and outside of America. Right now I'm only interested in going to places I've never been.

9. I want to get at least 100 professional clips. I want a job after I graduate.. Clips prove I can write. Proof that I can write leads to a job.. hopefully lol

8. I want to become a better photographer. I used to love it.. I want to get back into it again.

7. I want to have one serious relationship.. I used to be uber anti-relationship.. That is changing as I get older. I want to feel what it's like be in a real relationship where we both put the other first.

6. I want to move! I friggin' hate my apartment complex and plan to move the second my lease is up.

5. I want to write a song. I do the poetry thing a lot and I've always wanted to write a song. I'm going to do it in the next 18 (or so) months!

4. I want to fix my relationship with Jasmen Rogers.. She used to be a really good friend of mine. Then we moved in together. To make a long story short, our friendship ended with our lease.. We'll see if I can do this one... who knows.. (I doubt she will ever see this)

3. I want to get an internship at a major magazine. My teachers believe in my talent as a writer and so do I. It's time to make the people who can hire me see it too.

2. I want to be really good with Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, In Design, and all the other creative software out there. (It's a good skill to have, I think.)

1. I want to make this blog amazing. I want to learn better time management, and I want to get a new job! because Popeye's is NOT what's up..

.. and I want to get some sleep because its getting pretty late lol
thanks for reading.. We'll see if I meet all these goals.

1 comment:

  1. Makes me wonder if I even have goals anymore... now I must think! SN: We can make 4 happen, she's still FB friends with all of us.
