Sunday, February 13, 2011

Is Interracial Dating Just a Black Girl's Problem

I thought about this question a while back and never really came up with an answer but every now and then it crosses my mind all over again and I cant help but wonder:

Is interracial dating only an issue black women to think about?

I'd like to consider myself a rational person. Honestly, the random white girl that the random black guy chooses to date does not plague my every thought in the middle of every day BUT when I see a black guy that has it together being honest and truthful and amazing to a white girl it does rub me the wrong for all of two seconds before I get over it.

I seriously hope you are not taking this the wrong way. I'm telling you how I feel (I'm speaking for myself, and anyone who may agree). When I see black men with white women, my mind jumps to thoughts like "you couldn't find a black girl to date" and I know that might sound bitter (maybe even a little racist) but its the truth and I'm not the only one thinking it.

Just to clarify, I am not hatin' on these white girls at all, and I love my black men regardless of who they date. The questioning is brief and the animosity does not run any deeper than the surface. I'm just sharing the black female view point. 

I do want to know one thing though..

Are white women bothered when they see black women with white men?

I mean, it's not unheard of.. I see lots of black girl dating white guys. Are white women walking around thinking that we're trying to steal all the "good white men" or is this an issue only black women deal with? Is this even an issue? or are we just getting carried away because we just so happen to see a few interracial couples here and there?

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