Sunday, April 10, 2011

He's a Reader?.. I'm Down.. :)

So there's this guy.

Now I meet guys, people in general really, all the time. There are very few guys who are worth mentioning here. I like to save this space for the guys I've already tired and failed. It helps with the healing process, I guess lol.

But this time I have a "how we met" story that, in my opinion, is worth telling.

Here goes:

I met him the first time about a month or two ago. He came into my job (Popeye's, I don't think I told you guys I work at Popeye's.. hopefully I get out of there VERY soon), but yes, he came into  my job. To make a long and not so interesting story short, we had a simple conversation while he waited, he made me laugh then he got his food and we both moved on.

He came in again earlier this week. Things didn't click at first but then I remembered who he was. More talking, more laughing, then he asked for my number. I was evasive. I said no without actually saying no and everyone walked away still smiling. I think I've become a master at turning guys down without seeming like a jerk. I think it's a skill that all girls need.

Anyway, he was pretty persistent. Persistence is like kryptonite when it comes to turning guys down so I told him that if we ever run into each other outside of my job, I'd give him my number. Little did I know, he lives in my apartment complex. So we ran into each other much faster than I ever thought we would.

As I was walking to my car today he was driving by and he saw me. He stopped and reversed to speak for a while. I gave him my number thinking, eh no biggie, if he turns out to be a lame I can easily ignore the calls if I want. Then he asked me my name. Now normally I'd be upset if he didn't remember my name but because of how we met we never had a formal greeting so names were never exchanged. I didn't know his either.

So I answered and didn't hold it against him. "My name is Desiree" I said before asking him his. Now when I tell people my name, or they read it, the response is always something to the effect of calling me "Desire" then I have to go through the motions of correcting them and explaining that my name has two e's and it's not desire because I am not a stripper..

His response was different though. He said "Desiree? Like Desiree's Baby" and I'll admit, he caught me off guard and sparked an interest that most guys never spark so quickly, if at all. His response didn't register for a second. Then I realized what he was saying to me and what this meant.

In case you don't know, Desiree's Baby is a short story written by Kate Chopin, the woman who wrote The Awakening which is one of my favorite books as far as old European lit goes. And the fact that the first thing he thinks after hearing my name is European literature says that he is my kind of guy. If the limited experience I've had with the opposite sex is the basis for any kind of judgment, I'll say this is rare. To find a guy who reads more than just information presented in 160 characters or less is not easy, especially in my age group. I'm curious to see where this one leads.

A guy with a book (or a nook) gets me every time lol (sn:this isn't him lol)

Giving him my number was a great idea, but then again it's been that kind of week. It only make sense that I'd meet a guy that could spark my interest this week. As I told my friend Keke yesterday, the only thing that could make this week better would be if I won the Lottery without playing lol..

G'nite folks, I'll keep you posted on what going on with this one.

Desiree, (Like Desiree's Baby)

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