So I have been MIA for the last couple months, stopping in every once in while to check in and let you all know what's going on. I would apologize for disappearing but I've been busy living! Not to mention I have this internship at a magazine this summer and it requires me to do quite a bit of writing so recreational writing has sadly become a casualty of my professional writing career. (sn: can I consider it a writing "career" if I do it for free? sigh.. the life of a student journalist)
Anywhoo, here I am sitting in my room staring at my hair trying to figure out what I want to do it. As my hair gets longer, my old go-to styles are not working like they used to and my hair is becoming more and more time consuming.
I decided to write this because I just remembered a while back when a friend of mine tweeted that girls with natural hair are lazy/cheap because they just don't want to spend the time and money to get a perm..
Now clearly he does not know my struggle!
This natural hair thing is no walk in the park (and no sigh of relief to the bank account for that matter)! Not to mention the time it takes to wash, detangle, and style! And we do that in the down time we have between answering questions like "I mean seriously, don't you think you'd look better with a perm?"
What? No I don't think I'd look better.. If I did, I'd have a perm! And trust me, I know I look good. After all aren't you here right now trying to hit on me.. natural hair and all..
Back to the hair. I've always been natural. I hate giving people advice on how to care for their hair because all I can tell you is what works for me. It may not work for you at all.
I've gone through fazes where I had a little puff pony tail everyday, to flat ironing on a daily, to dying it red, cutting it off and growing it again then dying it again. I know MY hair not anyone elses.. now only if I knew what I wanted it to look like it the morning... back to youtube..
SN: this was really just a random train of thought to let you all know I'm still breathing lol