Chris Brown leaving Good Morning America- shirtless. Bad move. | Picture Courtesy of TMZ |
Dear Chris Brown,
I am writing this letter with deep concern for your career, and since your public relations team is obviously failing, I think it's beyond time for you to make some changes, or quit singing.
I'm not exactly sure what the problem is. Either your PR team is not doing what you pay them to do, or you are not listening!
Step one: Fire who ever you have doing that job and hire someone that is either better at the job or someone you fear enough to listen to.
Step two: Create a new plan, because clearly the one you have is NOT working.
I've been working as an unpaid intern all semester so working for free means nothing to me at this point. I just want to help you out. Here some advice.
You have to understand one thing. YOU ARE NOT THE VICTIM HERE. If you want to talk to the press, you have to know that they will ask you about Rihanna. That's what fans are curious about and instead of throwing chairs through windows and looking like the crazy, hostile and angry person everyone thinks you are, here's how things should have gone:
(Reporter asks about Rihanna)
Your sample response: "It was an unfortunate situation. I'm really sorry to Rihanna and my fans and I hope everyone can forgive me for what I did." Talk about how your past effected you (abusive dad etc.). But dont go on forever. That would make you seem insincere. Talk about all the anger management classes and therapy you have been doing (and actually do it) because you know how horrible what you did was. Talk about how you never want to let your anger get to that point again. Say how happy you are for Rihanna's success. Congratulate her and apologize again.
When this all happened two years ago, people, even women, where on your side then you went crazy begging for fans, flipping out because you weren't instantly forgiven.
Saying that you have gotten past it, and that you dont want to talk about the past does not make us sympathize with you. You have to understand that time stands still in the land of fame and fortune. No one seems to age until one day they are old and problems ignored are problems remembered. Talk about Rihanna until we're tired of you apologizing. And not just in interviews, but on facebook, twitter, myspace (so the five people still on myspace can know too). Bring it up so much that we don't even want to talk about it anymore.
We don't know what happened that night and even if Rihanna had a gun to your head and you had to beat her up or die.. you will never be the victim in this. Stop looking for sympathy. You will never get it. Own up, say you're sorry, repeat it and mean it. Let us like you, please.
And I just have one more piece of advice, hire me, because I clearly have a better plan than your PR people.
PS. As far as the comparison to Charlie Sheen: That's like one murderer getting upset that another murderer got off. It's as simple as this: Shit Happens. That doesn't make what you did ok. Didn't you mother ever tell you life isn't fair?